Elienny Mora's profile

TECHWOMAN (Editorial design)

TECHWOMAN - Technology and Feminism Magazine
You can see the magazine online here: https://issuu.com/eliennymora/docs/techwoman
Hi! This is my first Editorial design project and I wanted it to be in pro of women and feminism. I focused on the "Tech" side since I think this is an emerging field within which women have been getting involved and getting visibility at the same time they are capable of changing their educational and labor situation in countries of Latin America, United states and Europe.

I think it is important and I am part of this, that is why I created Techwoman, a fictional printed and digital magazine that talks about hard workers and powerful women who help others to grow in the personal and professional areas. For example, there is a dedicated section for "Juniors", this is to give tips, share experiences and useful info to help women that are starting in a new career.

There is a central or principal article, which usually is an interview where we show women that are doing something important to improve companies, help people, and how they have created their own history. 
There is a History section about iconic women who have done important discoveries or aportaciones to the science and art world and that in some cases they didn't get credit for their input. We also focused all advertisement into the magazine to be about useful products, educational centers, technology and relevant items for our audience.

Techwoman is for women of all ages, it is not a complicated scientific subject; we explain everything very clearly even when some topics are very deep, this is because we want to attract teenagers and young women to the fields of science and technology and eliminate the misconception that they can be boring or impossible. Also, Techwoman has a vibrant and happy look and feel experience for the audience and I think this makes the magazine more attractive and enjoyable.

Techwoman is here to show It is possible! ...what? Be yourself, be successful and mental and physically healthy; change your current situation (if you don't like it), do something better, help other women and transmit that to the next generations; That's why Techwoman exists.
TECHWOMAN (Editorial design)


TECHWOMAN (Editorial design)
